Free download CircuitDriveGame APK for Android

 news     |      2024-05-19 19:14

De36rummy.comscription of CircuitDriveGame This is a car driving game.You can play game with the same view as the driver looks at.We provide the automatic mode in addition to the semi-automatic mode.We consider both right-hander and left-hander.We refer to the Circuit of Barcelona-Catalunya.If you touch the icon, then the menu appears first.You can set up several items.If you touch the "Start" button, then this game starts.If you touch the "Read me" button, then the explanation appears.We show the contents below.You can change direction by horizontally inclining the terminal device.The green (red) rectangle is a accelerator (brake) bar.The triangles are gear change buttons.There is no gear change button in the automatic mode.In this mode, we use a special way to move gear position up.You touch the outside of the accelerator bar,and the bar becomes blue in color,and the gear position is moved up automatically.The middle number denotes the current gear position.The left is a speedometer (km/h).The right is a lateral G-meter (0.1G).If the value of the lateral G is larger than five, then you have a spin.

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