Description of Minesweeper Note: Getting bored of the default game modes? Love the unexpected? "Random" mode added. The size of the minefield, the number of hidden mines and difficulty are totally random. The only hint for you is to look at the number of generated mines at the top bar while playing.The classic minesweeper has returned with cool graphics. Why not training your brain while on a train or waiting for your bus? Your mission is simple: try to clear the minefield without detonating any.How to play for beginners (available through "Help" menu):7up 7 Down 1. Select a level of difficulty2. Tap any cell to begin3. Hold "Lock" & Tap a cell to lock a mine4. Hold "?" & Tap a cell to mark the cell as a suspicious mine5. Hold "Magnifier" & Tap or Double-Tap a numbered cell for fast exploration (after setting correct locks on the mines around a cell)6. Drag the map for navigation in intermediate and expert modes7. Pinch to Zoom In/Out8. Game over when a mine is clicked or explore with incorrect locks9. You win when all non-mine cells are uncovered.Features:- Pinch to Zoom In & Out- Enhanced and friendly graphics- Easy- & fast-to-access control bar with all buttons bottom-aligned- Timer & Mine counters for time and mine remaining indication- 3 levels of difficulty: Easy, Intermediate & Expert- Level customization- Level randomizationIf you love this game, please also rate and give feedback. Feel free to contact us if you need any support. Thank you and enjoy.
Version history Minesweeper New in Minesweeper 1.4.1 - Added new "Random" game mode (look at the top bar for the number of generated mines while playing)- Added how-to-play tips to Help Menu Please rate this app
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