Free download PARAGLIDING START APK for Android

 How to Play     |      2024-05-04 11:13

The starting places from the DHV database are linked to weather reports and forecasts that are as up-to-date as possible. The paraglider pilot can see the launch conditions for all launch sites in the region at a glance. If there is a high density of starting places within a region, these are displayed together; no starting place can be overlooked, all potential starting possibilities are recorded immediately. Without having to look at the details, everyone can already include their own tolerance range when viewing the map.
The most important weather parameters such Lucky Piggyas wind speed, wind direction, cloud cover and precipitation are displayed graphically for the launch sites on the map. This and other weather data can be displayed separately in graphs, as provided by the various weather services. The data from the weather services are displayed simultaneously in the graphs and can thus be compared with one another quickly and easily.
The general weather situation is shown on a small scale and the air flow on a medium scale. At large scale, wind, cloud cover and precipitation can be displayed for each calculated point for different altitudes.
With a click within the forecast area, the forecasts for these coordinates are displayed.

The app is a pendant to the website, which has been in development since 2015 and is constantly being expanded. The website is optimized for use on a PC and, despite a lot of optimization, is not so easy to use on a smartphone. The app and the website should help the pilot as simply and quickly as possible. There are also many links to other web pages with a different presentation and further information. The origin of the data is as transparent as possible. The user manual on the website is very helpful for understanding this program.
Like the website, this app also stores as much data as possible locally with the user in order to request as little data as possible from the server. Outdated data and data not used for a long time are automatically deleted.
Of course, no data is tracked by Paragliding Start, no data is sent to the server that is not necessary for the function.

Paragliding Start is privately developed and operated and is not for profit. There are more extensions in the winter months. Suggestions, help, eg translations into other languages ​​and error messages are always welcome in a friendly manner. I will continue to maintain this program as long as there is no comparable or better program and as long as I enjoy it. There is no guarantee for the operation, accessibility, topicality and correctness of the data.

Version history PARAGLIDING START New in 15.6.1 - Windanzeiger wird ab 25 km/h orange und ab 35 km/h rot dargestellt.
- Windanzeiger um die Stärke der Böen verlängert.New in 15.3.8 Gemeldete Fehler behobenNew in 15.3.7 Wegen eines Fehlers konnten die Nutzungsbedingungen nicht mehr angezeigt werden.New in 15.3.1 Gemeldete Fehler behobenNew in 15.2.4 Letztes update brachte einen Fehler mit der Datenbank. Sollte hiermit behoben sein.New in 15.1.0 Bei vielen Graphen werden durch kurzes Antippen die Daten in einer Tabelle dargestellt.
Aktualisierung der Daten verbessert, so daß jetzt seltener nach Daten vom server angefragt werden muß.
Und einige KleinigkeitenNew in 14.0.1 - Die Stützpunkte für die Berechnung der Vorhersagen können nun auf der Karte bei großem Maßstab angezeigt werden.
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