Descrição do Bill Business
The My Invoicing platform is characterized by facilitating the process of paying bills for any service provider without the need to go to the provider to pay this bill or financial claim.
The "My Business Billing" platform is characterized by the following:
• Managing and monitoring user movements and accounts
• The possibility of sending a financial claim through the application
• The ability to know all movements of the various user accounts and receive notifications
• Ability to obtain a large list of reports and statistics
• Strong protection and encryption of data transmitted between my billing platform and my billing applications.
• Facilitate the process of paying bills electronically to any service provider or merchandise seller.
• Login to the application by fingerprint.
• Log in to the application via email / mobile and password.
• The ability to open fund accounts in all currencies (for merchants only).
• A list of all financial movements that were made for easy follow-up.
This platform can also be linked with any global system or any international store and very easily.
After linking my invoices platform in an easy and simple way through the API with the accounting or financial systems, the merchant can send the invoice or financial claim to its owner through his financial / accounting system / CRM, and once the process is completed, the customer receives a notification of the receipt of the invoice or financial claim to pay it It is either printed on the invoice as a QR Code or an electronic link that is sent either via email or via SMS, and as soon as the QR Code is read using the application or once you click on the link, this invoice will be transferred to the application or website for payment.
There are several ways to pay the bill through the application or website:
Visa or MasterCard (via the secure bank of Palestine portal)
PayPal service or Bank of Palestine's banking application
Later, the application will be supported with other payment gateways