BattleTime 2 Ultimate [Mod Money]

 How to Play     |      2024-04-27 14:06
BattleTime 2 Ultimate [Mod Money] - Strategy with tactical real-time battlesBattleTime 2: Ultimate - the continuation of the addicting real-time strategy for android devices.

Conquest of new lands
Continuation of a great strategy game with elements of tower defense, which will delight you with rich trials, large the amount of in-game content, as well as epic confrontations. It is here that you have to take control and lead one of 4 factions, each of which has its own advantages, unique characteristics and even its own storyline campaign. Are you ready to take part in the battle for supremacy?

Each race has its own campaign
In BattleTime 2: Ultimate, Barbarians, Assassins, Druids and Necromancers have entered deadly confrontation, and you have to choose on which side you will fight. By taking the side of the Barbarians, you will be able to summon the power of fire, Assassins - to get an army of darkness as allies, Druids - to use the magic of spirits, and if Necromancers - then a real army of the dead will act on youTotem Wondersr side. You can also improve the characteristics of your wards, pump buildings and increase combat power, unlock as many as 24 magic skills, and also face off against deadly bosses.

Android OS
Open GL
Free Space
73.68 MB
Android TV
Gamepad Support
English language
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